Finding the Joy in: Autumn

Judging by the weather this past week, I think it’s safe to say that Summer is officially over in England and that Autumn is upon us. The nights are slowly getting darker, the weather colder and Christmas food is already creeping into the supermarkets (which we’re absolutely not mad about). September also brings with it ‘back to school’, back to work and an overall sense of back to routine. It isn’t sounding too appealing so far is it? But here at Pollen + Grace we really love September and everything that it brings with it, rain as well. To help shift your end of summer slump and get you excited too, we’ve shared our top 5 reasons to embrace arrival of Autumn. 


Pumpkin season alone is enough to get us worked up about the arrival of Autumn, but September brings with it an abundance of amazing new fruit and veg that we just can’t wait to get our hands on. Butternut squash, parsnip, turnip, red cabbage, figs, apples and plums to name just a few - there’s so many ingredients coming into season that our brains are working overtime thinking of recipes to try. And because Mother Nature always knows what we need, the seasonal produce is perfect for cooking up hearty, comforting meals ideal for the colder evenings. Butternut squash soup? Cinnamon stewed apples? We can't wait to get started!


Speaking of those colder evenings, it’s time to embrace them. As much as we love the excitement of summer, there’s only so many pop-ups and car parks turned bars/outdoor cinemas/all round everything-in-one venues that we can take before it all just gets too much. Autumn calls for more nights in and we can’t wait.


It would be wrong if we didn’t mention the excitement we get from digging out our favourite jumpers again once the colder weather arrives. And our favourite pjs.. and cosy socks. And don’t even get us started about when winter coat weather arrives. Basically, autumn is all about being cosy and comfy and we all fully ready to embrace this.


Yes, this is us confessing our love for routine. There's just something so satisfying about getting organised and really throwing yourself back into work and routine after a summer of wishing you were on the beach in Bali instead.


We’re maybe getting slightly ahead of ourselves with this one, but around September and the beginning of Autumn we definitely start to get excited about all the upcoming festivities - Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas; there's just so much to look forward to! Our heads are filled with dreams of dinner parties, bonfires, celebrations and that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with it all. And with so many upcoming holidays, September is definitely not too early to start planning those all important dinner menus and recipes right?


Seasonal ingredient of the week: Apples


Seasonal ingredient of the week: Blackberries