Seasonal ingredient of the week: Cauliflower

IN SEASON: All Year!

We're in the peak of the UK's winter harvest of cauliflower, and we're so here for cauliflower-everything. Cauliflower shawarma, roast cauliflower steak, cauli-rice, shaved cauliflower salads: it’s versatility is endless. For flavour pairing, the florets are at home with Indian spices or Middle Eastern flavours, whilst the leaves make a great addition to stocks.

The original brain food (hence it’s appearance - we’re always amazed at nature's ability to literally show us what part of our body something is good for), cauliflower is a source of choline, an essential nutrient we need for mood, memory, recall and brain development.


- Pick pure white heads with crisp, green leaves (if the leaves are floppy or the head starting to get darker, it’s past its peak)

- Checking the colour of the base to check how white it is, is a good indication of freshness

- Cauliflower crust pizza is not the one in our opinion (just enjoy a good pizza) but cauliflower steak and cauli rice are definitely worth the hype and a good way to reimagine this always-in-season British staple.



1. Cut your tenderstem broccoli into small chunks and add to a pan of boiling water over a medium heat with a pinch of salt

2. Drain and rinse your butter beans and add them to a large bowl. Add the cooked broccoli and your pesto. Mix it together so the pesto covers the broc and beans to finish.

3 ingredients, 10 minutes, one delicious dish! Enjoy as is or serve as a side.

Serves 2


- 1 pack tenderstem broccoli
- 1 tin butter beans
- 160g (approx one jar) of vegan sundried tomato pesto (we recommend this one)


Seasonal ingredient of the week: Turnip


Seasonal ingredient of the week: Broccoli