Everything you need to know: Quinoa

When we first started Pollen + Grace back in 2015, quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) was only available to buy from one health food store near us - we definitely couldn’t pop into our local Sainsbury’s for it! But thanks to the health boom, this impressive grain is far more accessible than even, and way cheaper than back then.

But as accessible as it now is, it’s still quite misunderstood. Quinoa has a bit of a bad rep for tasting ‘too healthy’, but we firmly believe this comes down to how you prep it, and what you serve it with. We find it’s more at home mixed through a salad than as a replacement for rice with your fave curry. And nailing your cooking technique can avoid a gritty texture or soft over-cooked quinoa.

And taking some time to get to know how to cook it is worth the effort - it’s one of the most nutritious grains you could add to your diet:

  • It’s one of the few plant sources of all nine essential amino acids

  • It’s packed with fibre, and acts as a prebiotic, which supports your gut health and improves gut diversity.  

  • It’s one of the best sources of plant-based protein, with about 8g of protein per cup of quinoa.

  • It’s high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, which could help with preventing disease  

Find it in our:
Mezze Houmous + Rainbow Veg Grain Bowl
Scandi Carrot Lox + Dill Potato Salad Bowl


  • Follow our simple guide HERE to learn how to cook perfect quinoa every time

  • Then choose from one of our quinoa recipes below:


Tomato + Red Lentil Soup


3 Reasons To Eat More Wholegrains